
Fijne feestdagen!

Katja Torbijn | woensdag 22 december 2021

Het einde van het jaar nadert, de feestdagen staan voor de deur. Van zaterdag 25 december 2021 tot en met zondag 9 januari 2022 zijn wij niet aanwezig en werkt Dura Vermeer niet op de verschillende bouwlocaties. Wij wensen u prettige kerstdagen en een fijne jaarwisseling!


Merkt u een dringende situatie op die niet kan wachten? Een onveilige situatie, een openstaand bouwhek of ongenode gasten op bouwterrein? Laat het dan gerust weten, ook in de kerstvakantie. Dat kan via of de BouwApp. Bedankt!

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3 januari 2022 | 23:11


The new traffic lights placed at the crossing of construction vehicles(Tram in the future) and Randweg is unnecessary during this period between 25-Dec and 9-Jan since no work is happening. As these signals are not smart, people(Legmeer) unnecessarily spend few minutes every time they cross this junction day and night! (Traffic light is green for the closed construction sites while people are waiting on Red on Randweg.)
Can this fixed please? Or do I miss some other reason? Thanks and Happy new year!

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Foto van Katja Torbijn
13 januari 2022 | 11:36

Katja Torbijn

Hello Vijay,

Happy New Year to you too! The traffic lights are set in such a way that they only turn red if construction vehicles actually wants to cross the road or if traffic from Langs de Baan wants to turn onto the Randweg. If there is no construction traffic and no traffic from Langs de Baan, the lights on the Randweg will be green, so that traffic can continue quickly.

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7 april 2022 | 13:25


Hello Katja,
It seems this signal maybe malfunctional or broken from a very very long time.
I live nearby to this place mentioned and in the last few months, since this light has come into place, I have never once saw it working as per the expected behavior mentioned above.
Even if the road is completely empty, with no traffic, no construction vehicles nearby, the light stays red for minutes and go green for seconds. You just wait there for nothing to come, nothing to cross, hoping for this light to turn green. People living in vicinity are very annoyed by this light and seeing how it works (or does not work), most people have started ignoring it completely – which makes it even more risky (say when the construction will actually start).
Specially in the morning, because of this light, there are huge queues of cars of parents trying to drop their kids to school waiting for minutes for nothing, to turn this light green from red. And when this light becomes green, it is literally for seconds before becoming red again. Kids are getting late for school and office going people are getting late for work and this “broken” traffic signal is the reason. Could someone please do something to fix this light 🙏.
Regards, Pramod

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Foto van Katja Torbijn
8 april 2022 | 11:27

Katja Torbijn

The mechanic came by yesterday. He found out that the cameras that detect traffic due to the wind were no longer fully adjusted. The detection also turned out to be very sharply tuned: the traffic lights changed color after just 1 second of movement from another direction. The mechanic has now set the cameras less sensitive, so he can better distinguish between cars/cyclists and passing leaves/branches. Thanks for your report, we expect the traffic lights are now working properly again!

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